888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
Mission of Mercy returns to MN July 29-30 to provide dental services to thousands
ST. CLOUD, Minn. , July 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the Minnesota Department of Health, more than 25% of Minnesotans are without dental insurance, and nearly 16% have foregone dental care within the past year. The Minnesota Dental Association and the Minnesota Dental Foundation are bringing the Minnesota Mission of Mercy (MnMOM) dental event to St. Cloud on July 29-30 to provide free dental care to children and adults who are uninsured, underinsured and not able to obtain dental treatment. Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation is the signature sponsor.
"We're delighted to provide free dental treatment to individuals who are in need," said Dr. Alejandro Aguirre , chair of the 2022 Mission of Mercy. "We're fortunate to have so many volunteers and dental professionals willing to give their time and talents to help make this event possible. With the return of the event this year, our goal is to help children and adults address immediate dental needs."
With the help of over 1,000 volunteers, Mission of Mercy plans to welcome as many as 2,000 patients seeking care to River's Edge Convention Center. Dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, dental therapists, translators, and additional volunteers will help provide services including cleanings, fillings, root canals on select teeth, extractions, oral hygiene instruction, and a limited amount of temporary partial dental appliances.
"We're grateful to hold the Mission of Mercy community event in St. Cloud this year," said Dr. Thomas Karn , MnMOM local chair and MDA member. "I am thankful for the partners and volunteers who have worked together to make this event achievable."
Mission of Mercy: Patient Information
The goal of this community event is to provide needed dental care to as many people as possible within the two-day timeframe. Dental care will be offered to adults and children of all ages on a first come, first served basis. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Doors will open at 5:30 a.m. and early arrival is encouraged, as patients will be accepted until capacity is reached each day. Those seeking treatment should be prepared to spend the entire day at the event. Full dentures, root canals on molars, crowns, extractions of unexposed wisdom teeth, dental implants will not be provided. Patients will be given a registration and release form to complete, and undergo a health screening. No IDs, insurance, or any other personal documentation will be asked for or required.
This is the seventh year a Mission of Mercy event is being held in Minnesota . Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. For more information visit mnmom.org.
Mission of Mercy is entirely volunteer-run and donation-based. Monetary and in-kind gifts are critical to ensuring the success of Mission of Mercy. To make a contribution to help cover the costs of equipment and supplies necessary for this event, visit www.mndental.org/about/foundation/give.
The Minnesota Dental Foundation (MDF) provides a means for dentists and others to experience the collective power of giving, with an opportunity to invest in the future of dentistry and the future of the people and communities it serves. The MDF has raised over $250,000 in cash and in-kind donations from organizations and individuals to support this year's event.
The Minnesota Dental Association is the voice of dentistry in Minnesota , representing practicing dentists. It is committed to the highest standards of oral health and access to care for all Minnesotans. You can learn more at www.mndental.org. The Minnesota Dental Association is a part of the American Dental Association, the nation's largest dental association, representing 158,000 dentist members.
Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 9 PM ET