Any walk through the supermarket will have made you realize that in the hygiene section, there are a lot of types of toothpaste.And it is normal that you are assailed by the doubt of which one is better for you, because not all are the same.Most will provide protection against cavities and control the formation of plaque or tartar.Others promise whiter teeth or claim to be made from natural.True or false?Are they all equally efficient?Precisely, answering these questions is what we are going to do throughout this article, starting from the basis offered by European Dental Control.They include cleaning agents in their composition and are mostly formulated for smokers, since they are people prone to yellowish or brownish teeth.It is aimed at the general public, since we are all susceptible to stains appearing on our teeth.In principle, its ingredients decrease and can make the day's stains produced by drinking coffee, for example, disappear.However, according to a test carried out by the OCU, the effects are not really as promised.Likewise, with some of these toothpastes you have to be careful, because when using abrasive or chemical materials, they can wear down tooth enamel.That is why it is better to go to the dentist to do a whitening treatment and then use whitening toothpaste to maintain it.For that they can be used.If the dentin that covers your teeth is porous, the dental nerves will perceive cold and heat in such a way that they will cause pain.The same will happen when you eat something with sugar.Thanks to the potassium or arginine nitrate found in the composition of this type of toothpaste, this hypersensitivity is reduced and the pain will disappear.It is true that they are not miraculous, they will take a few days to take effect and if you stop using them, you will feel pain again.The best thing always in these cases is that you go to the dentist to see how he can help you.In this case we are talking about basically all toothpastes, since the component that helps prevent cavities is fluoride.And almost all of them have.They are not only anticaries, with fluoride the formation of bacterial plaque is prevented (because it helps fight them), it helps to remineralize the tooth and therefore avoids the porosity that we talked about earlier.Which means that it also helps prevent sensitive teeth.If you want to know more, do not hesitate to read this other article about fluoride toothpastes, where we leave you some interesting information.In this case its action is deeper than in one that prevents cavities, because in this case its Pyrophosphate or its zinc salts are responsible for attacking the possible plaque that has formed and by not removing it and not being able to harden, they prevent the formation of tartar.Thanks to this, if you have a tendency to accumulate tartar, you will avoid suffering from diseases such as periodontitis.But if the tartar is already present and hardened, there will be no toothpaste to remove it, you will have to go to your dentist to remove it.Although you can buy them yourself, it is usually your dentist who prescribes them, because they are indicated for when serious conditions such as gingivitis (swollen gums) or periodontitis (bleeding gums) have had to be treated.Depending on the toothpaste you buy, its components will have chlorhexidine, triclosan or hexitidine, all of them with a powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.One of the characteristics of this type of toothpaste is that, being made from plants, they do not contain fluoride.Therefore, their protection may not be as great as that of a conventional anti-caries, but they are perfect for those who cannot use the more conventional pastes.This type of paste has to be considered separately because it is not the same to take care of teeth in formation, as it happens with children, than to take care of adult teeth.This is why, for example, children's toothpastes have less abrasives, because their teeth are more sensitive.They also tend to have less fluoride than those of adults, since too much fluoride would be harmful to them.But in any case, it has been shown long ago that toothpastes with a lot of fluoride prevent caries only from the age of 6.And let's not forget that many children have a hard time brushing their teeth, so they are designed so that the packaging, the color, etc. attract their attention.Login to leave a commentThis website uses its own and third-party cookies to improve the user experience, perform user navigation analysis, show advertising related to your preferences and improve our services.If you continue browsing, we consider that you reject the use of cookies, and navigation errors or display problems of certain contents may occur.For more information, consult our cookies policy in advance.