By: The Woodlands Township | Published 07/22/2022
THE WOODLANDS, TX -- The Woodlands Township Board of Directors discussed several items of community importance including State Highway 242, traffic flow and neighborhood park issues during its regular board meeting, held July 21, 2022, at 6 p.m., at the office of The Woodlands Township, 2801 Technology Forest Blvd, The Woodlands, Texas. On the regular agenda, the Board received an update regarding the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) SH 242 project from FM 1488 to Interstate 45. The TxDOT project proposes to create an additional travel lane in each direction from existing right of way and to install a raised center median. At the conclusion of Board discussion, the Board assigned Chairman Gordy Bunch, Secretary Shelley Sekula-Gibbs and Director Ann Snyder to meet with state legislators and other area government officials to discuss the project. As a special purpose district, The Woodlands Township does not have authority over roadways, major thoroughfare projects, or drainage in The Woodlands. View Presentation. The Board also received an update regarding pedestrian and traffic flow at the Creekside Green/Kuykendahl area. In November 2021, the Township Board approved a pedestrian crossing program for school arrival and departure times staffed by off-duty Harris County Precinct 4 Constable Deputies at the intersection of Creekside Green and Kuykendahl and authorized $392,000 through the end of calendar year 2022 to fund the program. To date (July 1, 2022), $62,750 has been spent for enhanced law enforcement at this intersection. Initially, the plan of action was to have six deputies before and after school; however, the enhanced level of service was achieved by staffing two to three deputies. The Board asked staff to provide an update on the progress in the summer of 2022 prior to the 2022 school fall semester. Following the staff presentation, the Board authorized the continuation of the pedestrian crossing program for the 2022-2023 school year and construction of a pathway connector along Kuykendahl from Timarron to Creekside Forest, using the remaining program funds and positive variances. View Presentation. Township Chief Operating Officer Chris Nunes presented an update regarding Wendtwoods Park. The update included responses to several issues raised by residents living near Wendtwoods Park. Following the staff presentation, the Board directed staff to continue to monitor the park through the use of Park Rangers and contracted Harris County Constable Precinct 4 deputies. View Presentation. In addition, the Board received a quarterly update from the Development Standards Committee (DSC), approved a contract with Masabi, LLC, for mobile ticketing system services for The Woodlands Express Park and Ride commuter bus service and heard a recap of Fourth of July festivities in The Woodlands. View DSC Report. | View Fourth of July Update. Following the updates and discussions, the Board recessed to executive session but did not take any action. Earlier in the meeting, on the consent agenda, the Board received administrative reports from Community Services, Law Enforcement and Community Policing, Transportation (Park and Ride and Trolley System), and The Woodlands Fire Department, approved an annual software payment for Microsoft Enterprise Licensing and approved a one-year extension to the current tree-lighting services contract. Members of the public also addressed the Board. The Woodlands Township Board Meetings may be attended in person, watched live online or viewed later via recording at The agenda and attachments may be viewed at
Related Links The Woodlands Township Directory Page