Grangetown Family Dental Health Centre wants to build a new treatment room, and a larger space for a hygienist to work
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A dental health centre on Wearside could soon benefit from expanded facilities under new plans.
Sunderland City Council’s planning department recently validated a planning application for Grangetown Family Dental Health Centre in Windsor Terrace.
This included both a first floor extension to the rear and internal alterations to make way for new facilities.
According to a design and access statement submitted with the plans, the practice has seven employees plus three dentists and opens five days a week.
If approved, the proposed development would help provide a larger hygienist treatment room and an additional dentist’s treatment room.
The statement reads: “In conclusion, the proposal will benefit the practice by having an additional hygienist and dentist treatment room and the creation of increased storage area.
“The scale and height of the proposal is in line with the existing rear extensions to the adjacent properties along the length of Windsor Terrace and will therefore blend in.”
A decision on the development is expected to be made following a period of council consultation.
For more information on the planning application or to track its progress, visit Sunderland City Council’s online planning portal and search reference: 22/00888/FUL.