Each year Sparta Baptist Church’s Dental team partners with Brentwood Baptist Church who has an elaborate dental office on wheels to come to Rogersville for these clinics.
The Dental Unit will located be across Main Street from the Shepherd's Center in the back of the Market Place building.
Each year Sparta Baptist Church’s Dental team partners with Brentwood Baptist Church who has an elaborate dental office on wheels to come to Rogersville for these clinics.
The Dental Unit will located be across Main Street from the Shepherd's Center in the back of the Market Place building.
Does anyone need teeth pulled?
There will be a free dental clinic hosted by Of One Accord Ministry on Saturday and Sunday March 12-13. The clinic is free but you have to register in advance.
Each year Sparta Baptist Church’s Dental team partners with Brentwood Baptist Church who has an elaborate dental office on wheels to come to Rogersville for these clinics.
In the pre-COVID era free dental clinics hosted by Of One Accord made a huge impact on the community.
For example, there were three free dental clinics in 2018 which served 311 people with services valued at $114,340. In 2019 there were another three dental clinics serving 192 people valued at $141,141.
Although the program was stifled in 2020 due to COVID, mission teams began to overcome COVID fears in 2021 and held two dental clinics.
This year three dentist will come offer 38 appointment slots on Saturday, March 12 and 16 more appointments on Sunday, March 13.
Residents can call JoAnn Chambers in the Of One Accord office to make an appointment, 9-5 on Saturday, and 9-noon on Sunday. To make an appointment call 423-921-8044 (9-5 Mon-Fri).
The Dental Unit will be across the street from the Shepherd’s Center in the back of the Market Place building.
The team does some checks and are not able to pull teeth is a patient has unusually high blood pressure or unusually high sugar problems.
Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items.