The initiative is promoted by the Santa María Volunteer Committee and will benefit low-income people who cannot afford a dental procedure.A dozen volunteer dentists deliver a day of work for free, to which a speech therapist also joins to care for patients from different communes in the region.After two years in which care was paralyzed by the pandemic, the Santa María Committee Dental Clinic started working again.Of course, this time he did it in a new consultation, located inside the El Teniente Stadium.After a brief white march in which patient care began, the new facilities were inaugurated on Tuesday, with a significant ceremony in which the space was blessed and attended by executives from the Division, along with professional volunteers and members of the committee.Patients from Rancagua, Machalí, Olivar, Coínco, Coltauco and even Santa Cruz have passed through the dental chair of the committee, which also organizes operations in schools in the region.The focus is always on people who, after accreditation, cannot afford a dental procedure."This is a virtuous meeting where several efforts and wills are added that result in an important contribution to the community," said Germán Sandoval, manager of Sustainability and External Affairs of the El Teniente Division.“Here is the selfless effort of a committee that is organized and makes the link between the infrastructure that we make available as a Division, together with a third major actor, who are health professionals from the world of dentistry and other fields.This union allows more than three thousand services to be delivered per year, free of charge”, added Sandoval.Voluntary work In its beginnings, the Santa María Committee, made up of wives of current and former executives of El Teniente, settled in Chacayes and later in Coya, where three volunteer dentists provided free care to people with limited resources.Over the years, the team has grown and some, like dentist Lilian Zúñiga, have been volunteering for more than two decades.“The social part moves me a lot and I think it is important to give back in some way what God has given me.Because you can really want to, but sometimes the means or family support are not there, so it's a way of giving back a little by being in solidarity with the work”, says the professional."This clinic is wonderful, the dignity that is given to the person who comes to attend here has an important value, because they come to a first-class place, with the best services."The president of the Santa María Committee, Esonka Alfonso, said that “it really is a luxury to have this type of clinic and the facilities are extraordinary.So far, everything has worked quite well and now we will get down to work, to give priority to the people who were left pending with their dental care”.Alfonso also took the opportunity to thank the volunteer professionals and the El Teniente Division: “Our fundamental pillar is our dentists.They voluntarily give a day of their work to patient care and we support them in whatever they need, with supplies and organizing the agenda.And today, thanks to the help of the Division, we are here, in this room that was beautiful”.