Patients have complained after appointments were cancelled due to Monday’s bank holiday which was announced to mark the Queen’s funeral.
Some of those who have had operations rescheduled have called the move anti-democratic and are angry they have to remain in pain as they wait.
Ila Bell, 71, had her regular appointment pushed back a week.
She is retired and has a genetic condition called joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS), which is on the spectrum of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and requires a pain management treatment every 10-12 weeks.
Ms Bell said: ‘At the moment I have got all the curtains closed because I can’t face light, the brightness of it.
‘It’s really difficult getting in and out of a chair or things like that. It’s very, very difficult.
‘I can’t sleep because of the pain, I wake up every 20 or so minutes.’
Because of her condition, Ms Bell also suffers from chronic pain syndrome, which has in turn, caused chronic fatigue syndrome.
She is given a dose of lidocaine intravenously which takes around two hours and allows her to manage the pain enough to continue her daily life.
Ms Bell said the time she spends at the hospital is integral to her quality of life in the weeks afterwards.
She added: ‘Somebody’s mother, grandmother, has passed away, it’s a sad thing. But I don’t see why they should be imposed on people – it’s not as if she did anything for common people.
‘As I said, I’m not going to disrespect her, but I don’t see the point of this 10 days of mourning.’
Dr Marcia Allison, 39, who lives in Aarhus, Denmark, said her 69-year-old father, who did not wish to be named and lives in Worthing, could lose a tooth because his dentist appointment was cancelled.
His front tooth almost completely broke off two and a half months ago and he was booked for an appointment on Monday.
She said: ‘It’s abhorrent to ask people like himself to lose their teeth for an unelected head of state in the 21st century. This isn’t democratic.
‘It’s of course very sad the Queen died, and a funeral is important, but we are asking people to give up potentially life-saving medical treatment for the aristocracy.’
She added that no appointments are available until the end of November and he will ‘most likely lose the entire tooth’, which would lead to ‘more extensive dental work, infections, and ultimately costing the NHS more’.
NHS hospitals in England have been urged to contact all patients with appointments on Monday, whether or not their appointment has been postponed.
Some hospitals have said they will operate as usual, while others have said they will postpone some non-urgent appointments.
Hospital trusts are expected to make their own decisions around appointments based on local staffing levels and whether local transport will allow patients and staff to attend.
An NHS spokesperson said: ‘As with any Bank Holiday, NHS staff will work to ensure that urgent and emergency services, including urgent dental and GP appointments, are available — and patients will be contacted by their local trusts, if necessary, regarding their existing appointments.’
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