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Clear skies. Low 51F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph..
Clear skies. Low 51F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.
Board members break ground Tuesday afternoon at Oak Orchard Health’s new expansion in Albion. The additional space will allow groups for diabetics, breastfeeding and similar health care topics.
Chief Executive Officer Mary Ann Pettibon speaks after the Tuesday groundbreaking in Albion.
Construction is already underway on Oak Orchard Health’s new location in Albion.
Board Chair Karen Watt speaks at Oak Orchard Health’s groundbreaking ceremony in Albion.
Board members break ground Tuesday afternoon at Oak Orchard Health’s new expansion in Albion. The additional space will allow groups for diabetics, breastfeeding and similar health care topics.
Chief Executive Officer Mary Ann Pettibon speaks after the Tuesday groundbreaking in Albion.
Construction is already underway on Oak Orchard Health’s new location in Albion.
Board Chair Karen Watt speaks at Oak Orchard Health’s groundbreaking ceremony in Albion.
ALBION — Oak Orchard Health broke ground to expand its community health center during a Tuesday ceremony.
Oak Orchard Health will be adding 2,250 square feet of space to its community health center located at 301 West Ave. in Albion.
Karen Watt, OOH board chair, said the community health center is out of space.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for us to enlarge and be able to have groups come in,” she said.
The groups can be interested in breastfeeding or diabetes control. OOH didn’t previously have this space in Orleans County, so Watt said they’re looking forward to it.
The expansion is a result of the $757,000 from the American Rescue Plan funding. The purpose of the funding was to expand access to care; especially COVID testing, COVID vaccines and patient educations.
The new room will be used as a community center.
OOH started in 1973 in Albion and Brockport. Currently, it has 12 different locations and will be adding three more sites soon.
Besides Albion, Oak Orchard Health also includes locations in Alexander, Batavia, Lyndonville, Pembroke and Warsaw.
It likewise operates a mobile dental health unit and a location at the Orleans County Mental Health office.
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