The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just cleared Lorals for Protection underwear as a ... [+] new alternative to dental dams when it comes to protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral sex. (Photo: Courtesy of Lorals)
Dam. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just cleared a new alternative to dental dams when it comes to protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral sex. And the alternative is a bit vanilla. It’s vanilla-scented underwear from Lorals that’s supposed to serve as a barrier between your mouth and the other person’s naughty bits.
Such FDA clearance has been a goal of Lorals CEO and founder Melanie Cristol since the company was launched in 2018. Here’s an Instagram post from the company announcing this news:
The specific product that received FDA clearance is Lorals for Protection, which comes in both bikini and “shortie” styles. A pack of four individually-packaged undies would cost $25 plus shipping and handling, which would be around the cost of five or six Happy Meals, the complete Cards Against Humanity set, two Venus fly traps, or a cast iron skillet.
Lorals for Protection is one of three different underwear products offered on the Lorals website. Keep in mind that the Lorals for Protection product is distinctly different from the company's Lorals for Comfort and Lorals for Pleasure products, as these latter two are not designed to protect against STIs. In general, don’t assume that just any underwear will protect you against STIs, unless that underwear is so thick or so unsightly that it actually prevents you from having oral sex. Instead, closely read the packaging and labeling to make sure that a given product is actually FDA approved and cleared to serve as barrier protection.
Of course, many things could serve as a barrier between your mouth and another person’s naughty bits such as a brick wall, a frying pan, or a suit of armor. Oral sex entails using your mouth, tongue, or lips to stimulate a person’s vulva (otherwise known as cunnilingus), penis (otherwise known as fellatio), or anus (otherwise known as rimming). Anything else, such as erecting a podium in the bedroom or giving a very alluring Power Point presentation, probably doesn’t qualify as oral sex. Therefore, to facilitate oral sex, barrier protection needs to be thin enough to allow adequate stimulation while at the same time impermeable enough to prevent actual direct physical contact with or the leakage of fluids from the bits. In essence, such a barrier should help a person’s crotch be a bit like Las Vegas. What happens in the crotch needs to stay in the crotch.
Lorals for Protection seems to fit these needs. The Lorals website describes the underwear as “ultra-thin & stretchy,” which would be better than “thick & stiff like a parka,” at least when it comes to STI prevention during oral sex. These aren’t the same as traditional underwear. And they’re probably not the type of underwear to wear when your main goal is to keep your genitals nice and toasty during subzero weather or provide enough cushion when an out-of-control bobsled plows into your groin.
Lorals underwear is made out of flexible, stretchy, ultra-thin material. (Photo: Courtesy of Lorals)
Instead, these underwear are more like dam, so to speak, or more like a condom. They are supposed to block the transmission of nasty pathogens such as herpes viruses and the bacteria that cause gonorrhea and syphilis. And similar to condoms and dental dams, these underwear are designed to be single-use only. In this case, single-use doesn’t mean specifically for people who aren’t married. Believe it or not, married people do have oral sex too. Rather, single-use means that the pair of underwear should be discarded once they’ve been used. This is important to remember since you may not be in the habit of throwing out your underwear every day.
The journey of these underwear to FDA-clearance has been relatively brief, so to speak, at least compared to the paths of other new products that have had to go through extensive human clinical trials. These underwear were able to skip such clinical trials as they would serve similar functions to that of condoms and dental dams that are already cleared by the FDA. Plus, the concept of wearing underwear is not exactly new either. It’s not as if FDA officials would say something like, “what is this underwear thing that you talk of” or “so is this supposed to go on your head?” When a new product is very similar to existing products that are already on the market, a company may opt to simply prove equivalence, meaning that the company provides convincing-enough evidence that this product is relatively equivalent to already approved products. In the case of the Lorals for Protection, that entailed showing that the underwear has physical characteristics such as thickness, elasticity, and strength comparable to that of condoms and dental dams, as Pam Belluck reported for the New York Times.
This product is a reminder that oral sex without barrier protection ain’t safe sex. Safe sex doesn’t just mean avoiding pregnancy or a frying pan to the face. Remember that STI-causing pathogens can hang out in or on a variety of body parts including one’s genitals, anus, lips, mouth, and throat. And someone can be infectious without even showing any symptoms. So just because a person “looks completely clean” and claims on a Tinder profile to go rock-climbing every day doesn’t mean that you can’t get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), trichomoniasis, hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or other STIs via oral sex with that person.
The only way to tell whether a person is not infected with any STI-causing pathogens is either through actual testing or knowing exactly what that person has done each and every day since having sex for the first time. And since your aren’t Facebook and can’t follow a person’s every move surreptitiously, sharing super-recent laboratory test results directly is the only way of providing any real assurances that both of you are STI-free when you aren’t already in a committed monogamous relationship together. In other words, the only reliable oral test would be a laboratory one.
When you aren’t sure that both of you (or all of you, depending on what you are into) are STI-free, it’s a good idea to use some type of FDA-approved or cleared barrier protection to significantly reduce your risk of getting or passing along an STI. So is getting fully vaccinated against STIs like HPV and Hepatitis A and B. Also, be wary of anything that looks like a rash, sore, pustule, lesion, or otherwise unusual skin formation. When you see anything like this, you may want to postpone the oral and instead have a nice dinner at a good restaurant.
A study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior found that those with vulvas were three times more ... [+] likely to orgasm if they receive oral sex versus only intercourse. (Photo: Getty)
As I’ve covered for Forbes before, the U.S. has been experiencing steady rises in the rates of STIs like syphilis and gonorrhea. Throw into that mix the not-so-super emergence of more drug-resistant STI-causing pathogens like super-gonorrhea, as I reported for Forbes near the end of 2020, and oral sex can become more like spinning a roulette wheel with your tongue. All of this makes it all the more important to be honest and upfront in communicating with each other about possible STI risk before engaging in oral sex. Remember to inspect each other’s mouths and private parts before commencing any type of oral pleasuring. Whether you are at a restaurant or in the bedroom, never let anything into your mouth without looking at it first. While “inspect” may not be the sexiest word around, you can always work it into the romance. For example, you can role play and say, “I’ll be the microscope and you be the Petri dish.” You can also play “SpottieOttieDopaliscious” by Outkast while doing so to set the mood. Oh, and don’t floss, brush your teeth, get a tongue piercing, chew on thumbtacks, or do anything that may leave cuts around or inside your mouth prior to oral sex. Such cuts. even when they aren’t visible, could be the break that STI pathogens are looking for to enter you body.
These new Lorals for Protection underwear do offer a potentially sexier alternative to dental dams. Dental dams may not exactly scream out “hot dam” during sex, unless you happen to be into the “thinly-sliced-lunch-meat-on-face” look. Moreover, it may be more difficult to hold a dam in place om your mouth than wearing form-fitting underwear that are essentially hands-free. And while male condoms can serve as barrier protection during oral sex, they do have one stiff requirement to work as protection: they are only effective when covering a penis. Remember fellatio ain’t the only type of oral sex out there no matter what guys try to tell others.
Oral sex may not be something that you talk about on a daily basis. But the reality is that many, many people regularly use various types of oral sex to get down. Therefore, it does make sense, and dollars and cents, to find new ways to make oral sex safer while remaining sexy at the same time.