GRAND FORKS COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING July 5, 2022 – 4:00 P.M. The Board met pursuant to adjournment with Commissioners Falck, Rost, Engen, Knauf and Pic present. Commissioner Pic participated via Zoom. Moved by Rost, seconded by Knauf, to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2022 Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Pic, seconded by Engen, to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Rost, to approve the consent agenda. Items in the consent agenda included: bills as submitted by the County Auditor, check #41509 - City of Emerado (Hwy)- $104.94, 41510 - City of Larimore (Hwy)- $64.42, 41511 - City of Thompson (Hwy)- $75.02, 41512 - 1101 Dental Pllc- $476, 41513 - Abar, Linda- $100, 41514 - Abra Auto Body- $2255.03, 41515 - Accurate Controls- $12325, 41516 - Alerus Center- $6168.25, 41517 - Altru Health System- $1956.25, 41518 - Antonson, Pete- $63.45, 41519 - Arvidson, Carol- $51.75, 41520 - At & T Mobility- $145.08, 41521 - Basting, Peter Phillip- $640, 41522 - Baumbach, Kevin Arthur- $100, 41523 - Bert’s Truck Equipment Inc of Mhd- $64.42, 41524 - Bk Electric LLC- $2100, 41525 - Boudreaux, Nicole J - $578.12, 41526 - Canon Financial Services- $39.29, 41527 - Carlson Kaye- $26.6, 41528 - CHS Inc - Warren- $3166.39, 41529 - City of Grand Forks-Fire Dept- $1025.87, 41530 - City of Grand Forks-Police Dept- $700, 41531 - Cronquist, Dexter- $250, 41532 - Deere Credit Inc- $26462.77, 41533 - Diamond Cleaning Supply- $98, 41534 - Fleming Makayla- $164.39, 41535 - Forum Communications Printing- $8859.29, 41536 - GF Cnty Treasurer- $11062.55, 41537 - GF Humane Society- $10000, 41538 - GF Park District- $70, 41539 - GF Public Health Department- $66996.72, 41540 - GF Welding & Machine- $368.61, 41541 - Gigstad, Rodney- $28.35, 41542 - Gjovig Bruce- $23.1, 41543 - Glynn Richard- $26.6, 41544 - Guardian Fleet Safety LLC- $19300.66, 41545 - Hammond, Chelsea- $52.77, 41546 - Heitkamp, Thomasine- $24.84, 41547 - Hobart Sales & Services- $51.2, 41548 - Icon Architectural Group- $43617.38, 41549 - Indepth Inspections- $2291.67, 41550 - Indigo Signworks, Inc- $999.6, 41551 - Inspire Pharmacy- $12.3, 41552 - Knight Printing- $413.54, 41553 - Knutson Carrie- $60.26, 41554 - Laboratory Corporation of America Holdin- $89.25, 41555 - Landeis, Katelyn- $562.64, 41556 - Linde Gas & Equipment Inc- $172.1, 41557 - Loffler- $100.52, 41558 - Lombardi Lou- $174.33, 41559 - MAK Construction LLC- $38675, 41560 - McKesson Medical Surgical- $186.12, 41561 - Menards- $739.85, 41562 - Midcontinent Communications- $4079.92, 41563 - Midstates Equipment & Supply Inc- $2252.25, 41564 - Mountain-Plains Youth Services- $9917, 41565 - ND Attorney General- $3766.49, 41566 - ND Child Support- $136.25, 41567 - ND Dept of Health/Microbiology- $60, 41568 - ND Dept of Transportation- $427.08, 41569 - ND DHS Finance Dept- $20, 41570 - ND DHS Finance Dept- $2539.79, 41571 - ND DHS Finance Dept- $52.62, 41572 - NDACE- $350, 41573 - NDCHCA- $100, 41574 - Nygaard-Koplin Dawn- $319.72, 41575 - O’Brien, Emily- $27.47, 41576 - O’Reilly Auto Parts- $755.89, 41577 - Ottertail Power Co-Devils Lake- $202, 41578 - Pace Painting- 29750, 41579 - Premium Waters, Inc- $58.34, 41580 - Preszler, Katherine- $23.67, 41581 - Ramada Bismarck Hotel & Conf- $86.4, 41582 - Safe Kids- $12500, 41583 - Schmitz Inc- $19785, 41584 - Sherwin Williams- $28, 41585 - Skip’s Petroleum- $493.81, 41586 - Staples Business Credit- $117.92, 41587 - Streichers- $1224.52, 41588 - Structural Materials Inc- $127.23, 41589 - Swanson & Warcup, Ltd- $4100, 41590 - SWS Credit Services, Inc.- $2539.33, 41591 - Thur-O-Clean- $485, 41592 - Toshiba America Business Solutions- $26.55, 41593 - Trane US Inc- $1749.93, 41594 - Tri State Paving & Concrete In- $56628, 41595 - Van Diest Supply Company- $2780, 41596 - Waste Management of Wi-Mn- $1727.72, 41597 - Yorhom Medical Essentials- $60, 41598 - Aflac Group- $317.84, 41599 - Combined Insurance Co of America- $639.02, 41600 - Florida State Disbursement Unit- $163.39, 41601 - Fraternal Order of Police- $118, 41602 - Ingenuity Rm, LLC- $195.46, 41603 - Medico Life and Health Insurance Co- $106, 41604 - ND F.O.P.- $725, 41605 - Rodenburg Law Firm-Fargo- $156.53, 41606 - USAble Life- $27, 41607 - GF Cnty Treasurer- $1062.55, 41608 - GF Cnty Treasurer- $10000, 41609 - Altru Health System (978)- $883.16, 41610 - Grand Sky Construction Company LLC- $566194.07, 41611 - Mayotte, Deana- $145.62, ACH payment to - Acme Electric/Tool Crib of Nor - $64.69, - Advanced Business Methods - $291.08, - Allstream - $121.78, - Amundson Funeral Home - $2300, - Balco Uniform Co - $58.08, - Benefit Extras Inc - $1160.75, - Business Essentials - $382.07, - Butler Machinery Company - $620.42, - Century Electric Inc. - $356, - Cole Paper Inc. - $9376.68, - Community Violence Interventio - $50000, - Dakota Business Solutions - $220.99, - Docu Shred Inc - $104.89, - Embrace Pharmacy Inc. - $9157.28, - Global Safety Network - $446.5, - Greater GF Community Service - $7000, - Home of Economy - $53.98, - Interstate Power Systems Inc - $2179.1, - Interstate Towing & Recovery - $490.24, - Keith’s Security World - $185.78, - Norby’s Work Perks - $18159, - Northwest Tire Inc - $382.8, - Phoenix Supply - $528, - RDO Trust Account #80-5800 - $6362.96, - Reliance Telephone Systems Inc - $31.45, - Royal Tire Inc - $111.12, - RRCAC - $20000, - Stein’s Inc. - $4, - Stericycle Inc - $194.87, - Sterling Carpet One Floor&Home - $481.89, - Stones Mobile Radio Inc - $337.05, - Summit Food Services LLC - $15142.92, - UND Forensic Pathology - $6662.5, - Valley Truck - $77.66, - Xcel Energy - Mpls - $43517.51; employee status changes for Tiahna Nicholson, Scott Skoglund, Wilfred Kooser, Mia Schroder, Hope Froshaug and Querionte Williams; overtime; and May financial report. Motion carried unanimously. Melanie Heitkamp, Youthworks Executive Director, informed the board that there will no longer be a Certified Shelter in Grand Forks County because their current space does not meet the qualifications for certification as required by the ND Department of Human Services and they have not been able to find a space that would qualify for certification. They will continue to try to find a space. Debbie Swanson, Public Health Director, gave a COVID-19 update. Kari Goelz, Emergency Management Director, addressed the board. Moved by Rost, seconded by Knauf, to approve the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Subgrant Agreement for FEMA-DR-4553-ND with the Chair’s signature. Grand Forks County is not fiscally responsible for this project. Motion carried unanimously. Robin Spain, Juvenile Detention Administrator, addressed the board. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to promote a Juvenile Detention Officer to a Lieutenant to supervise the Attendant Care Program, effective August 1, 2022. This will have no impact on the Juvenile Detention budget since we will no longer be paying Youthworks for the Attendant Care Program, we will be eligible for reimbursements from the State, and we could receive payments from out-of-county placements. Motion carried unanimously. Tracy LeDuc,CVIC Chief Financial Officer, Sue Shirek, Northlands Rescue Mission Executive Director and Murray Hennessy, Northlands Rescue Mission, addressed the board regarding their requests for American Rescue Plan Act funds. The board heard their requests and will decide on funding at a future meeting. Lesley Lubenow, NDSU Extension East District Director, addressed the board. Moved by Engen, seconded by Knauf, to increase a Family and Community Wellness Agent from a .8 FTE position to 1 FTE position, effective September 1, 2022. Grand Forks County pays 50% of the salary and NDSU Extension pays 50% of the salary and all of the benefits. Motion carried unanimously. Lou Lombardi, Veterans Service Officer, addressed the board. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Rost, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Northeast Central Judicial District and Grand Forks County Veterans Service Office with the Chair’s signature. Moved by Engen, seconded by Rost, to appoint Debbie Nelson as the voting delegate for the ND Association of Counties Annual Conference. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Rost, seconded by Pic, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:09pm. The next meeting will be held on July 19, 2022 at 4:00pm. Thomas H. Falck, Chairman Grand Forks County Commission Debbie Nelson, County Auditor (July 27, 2022) 84307