BOARD MEETING AS POSTED BECKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE: TUESDAY, July 19, 2022, at 8:15 am LOCATION: Board Room, Courthouse Agenda/Minutes: Meeting was brought to order by Board Chair Knutson. Commissioners in attendance: Knutson, Okeson, Nelson, and Grimsley, County Administrator Pat Oman and minute taker Amanda Pachel. Commissioner Vareberg was absent. Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Confirmation – Motion and seconded to approve agenda as presented (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Minutes – Moved and seconded to approve minutes of July 5, 2022, with the requested changes (Grimsley, Nelson) carried. Commissioners: Open Forum: None Reports and Correspondence: Reports were provided on the following meetings: Commissioner Grimsley: Museum, Transit, and Human Services. Commissioner Okeson: Northwest Emergency Communications and Cyber Security Commissioner Nelson: Public Works Facility and NRM Interviews Commissioner Knutson: Sheriff Committee and Planning & Zoning Meeting Appointments: Motion to appoint Matthew Erickson as Becker County Veteran Service Officer (Okeson, Grimsley) carried. Board Chair Knutson administered the Oath of Office to CVSO, Matthew Erickson. County Administrator: presented by Pat Oman Report: Updates on the following: 2023 Budget Timeline, Interviews and New Hires, Wild Rice Watershed, Benefits Committee, Department Head Meeting, Airport, Detroit Lakes Council Meeting, and Dental Project. The list of ARPA Projects were reviewed. Finance Committee Minutes: presented by Mary Hendrickson Regular Claims and Auditor Warrants and Over 90 days: 07/05/2022 in the amount of $223,764.76 07/12/2022 in the amount of $60,101.22 07/15/2022 in the amount of $54,305.20 Total of $338,171.18 Motion to approve paying Auditor warrants and claims over 90 days (Okeson, Grimsley) carried. Auditor – Treasurer: presented by Mary Hendrickson Licenses: None Motion to approve Resolution 07-22-2A – Cormorant Lions Gambling Permit for Raffle at Cormorant Community Center – September 20, 2022 (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Human Services: presented by Christy Ramsey Personnel Requests: Resolution 07-22-2B – to hire a Public Health, RN Family Home Visiting Full-Time (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Resolution 07-22-2C – to hire a Public Health, RN Special Needs Basic Care Full-Time (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Agreements: Motion to approve Children’s Mental Health Respite Care Agreement (Grimsley, Nelson) carried. Motion to approve LCTS Contract 2022 (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Motion to approve AmericCorps/Public Health Corps Site Award & Agreement (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Motion to approve Foster Care transportation agreement with Detroit Lakes Schools (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Motion to approve Human Services Claims for Human Services, Public Health, and Transit. (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Sheriff’s Office: presented by Sheriff Todd Glander Motion to add Resolution 07-22-2H to the Board Agenda (Grimsley, Okeson) carried. Impound Building Update Motion to approve Resolution 07-22-2D – IPAWS Agreement (Okeson, Grimsley) carried. Personnel Requests: Motion to approve Resolution 07-22-2E – to hire a Full-Time Correctional Officer (Okeson, Nelson) carried. Motion to approve Resolution 07-22-2F – to hire a Full-Time Correctional Officer (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Motion to approve Resolution 07-22-2G – to hire a Full-Time Female Correctional Officer (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Motion to approve Resolution 07-22-2H – to hire a Full-Time Correctional Officer (Okeson, Nelson) carried. Land Use/Environmental Services: presented by Steve Skoog NRM Update on Dunton Locks Outdoor Recreation Grant – Commissioner Grimsley will sit in for Board Chair for the design. Motion to move forward with accepting pending proposed 33’ easement on Property ID 19.0150.000 with County Attorney review (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Motion to approve one-time per diem for the NRM Interview Panel (Grimsley, Nelson) carried. Planning & Zoning: presented by Kyle Vareberg Planning Commission Recommendations 07/12/2022: Storage Common Interest Community: Dana Holland & Shirlee A Holland Tax ID Numbers 06.0422.007 and 06.0422.005 A letter was read from Josh Both against approving the CUP due to concerns with privacy and greenspace. Move to concur with Planning & Zoning Commission on approval of Conditional Use Permit (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Feedlot: Erica L & Eric Zurn Tax ID Number 30.0142.000 Move to table for more information at landowner’s request (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Mining Operation: Kevin & Brandi M Schlauderaff Tax ID Numbers 08.0107.003 and 08.0107.002 Move to concur with Planning & Zoning Commission on approval of Conditional Use Permit (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Non-Shoreland multi-unit development: Armand C & Maricela Radke Tax ID Number 10.0552.002 Gerry Schram spoke against approving the CUP Move to concur with Planning & Zoning Commission on approval of Conditional Use Permit (Okeson, Nelson) carried. Fence exceeding 4’ in height: JoAnne P Robson Trust Tax ID Number 32.0413.000 Move to concur with Planning & Zoning Commission on approval of Conditional Use Permit (Nelson, Okeson) carried. Buffer Compliance: Jerry Matter not in buffer compliance. The only thing the county can do is enforce noncompliance which is subject to a fine. West Central Initiative Presentation with handout presented by Rebecca Peterson, Director of Development. Being no further business, Chair Knutson adjourned the meeting at 10:04 am. /s/ Pat Oman, County Administrator /s/Larry Knutson, Board Chair (Aug. 7, 2022) 89186