Ambulance stuck outside Hull Royal Infirmary for more than nine hours before patient handed over - Hull Live

2022-07-15 20:48:44 By : Mr. Allan Su

Yorkshire Ambulance Service crews are facing long handover waits and cannot leave to respond to 999 calls

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The crew of an ambulance and their patient had to wait for more than nine HOURS outside Hull Royal Infirmary before they were taken in for treatment, it has emerged.

The gruelling wait was the worst recorded in June across Yorkshire amid warnings that Yorkshire Ambulance Service is in "critical" condition with crews waiting hours to hand over patients to clinical staff and unable to promptly respond to 999 emergencies.

In the whole Yorkshire region, the longest hospital handover in recent weeks was on June 7 at Hull Royal Infirmary, where a crew stayed for 9 hours and 36 minutes, waiting for their patient to be seen. During this time, the team could not respond to urgent calls.

Read more: Watch hair raising moment ambulance 'on 999 call' smashes into car at busy Hull junction

Last month Hull Live revealed that another HRI patient was stuck on trolley for 24 hours and hundreds were left in ambulances for over an hour. Hospital trusts are fined for every trolley wait recorded over 12 hours.

One ambulance service worker, who did not want to be named, told the Mirror that last month was the “worst June ever”. He said crews were spending hours in the backs of ambulances or next to their patients in hospitals, unable to leave until they had officially handed over their charges to clinical staff.

Yorkshire Ambulance Service paramedic Kevin Fairfax, a Unison branch secretary, called the delays in arriving at callouts "critical" and "horrendous". He said to The Mirror: "We’ve had elderly patients sitting on the floor for hours, unable to get up due to a fractured hip or thigh.

"They’re sitting in their own urine. It’s degrading for them and when the crews do turn up they are in tears."

He continued: "We had a young lad who broke his leg playing football then sat on a field for hours waiting for us. We join the NHS for the patients, not the money, and we are there to help but you can do nothing about waiting times.

"Seeing patients deteriorate is awful. It must be costing lives."

Kevin raised that this crisis has also arrived during hot weather, which adds to the suffering of patients even more in ambulances, and means paramedics feel like they are suffocating in PPE gear. He warned: "We haven’t even got to anything like the winter pressures.

"My members are not coping – they are psychologically struggling. This is what you get for years of cuts."

Ray Gray, a Unison officer, explained: "It’s a vicious circle because the ambulance crew can’t offload into A&E because it is full of patients. And A&E is full because there are no beds in the hospital because the wards are full and they can’t discharge people into the community because the support services are not there."

Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, said: "Pressures across the healthcare system have meant that some hospital handover times are significantly extended. We are concerned about the impact this has on the availability of emergency ambulances and on patient care."

The Department of Health said: "Res­­ponse times are affected by various factors. That’s why we’re taking a whole-system approach, and the NHS has allocated £150million of system funding to address pressure.

"We have provided £50m of additional funding in 2022/23 to support increased NHS 111 call-taking cap­­acity, and we are busting the Covid backlogs by setting up surgical hubs and community diagnostic centres."