By Louise Allingham For Daily Mail Australia
Published: 20:59 EDT, 5 June 2022 | Updated: 02:09 EDT, 6 June 2022
A young woman has issued a warning after she 'impulsively' decided to get her teeth done while on holiday and was left with a 'Lego' smile.
Aida Azizii, from London, was on holiday in Iran with her family when she booked to get veneers done with disastrous results, she explained in a series of videos posted to TikTok.
The 26-year-old paid just $965AU for 19 teeth and spent more than nine hours in the dentist chair during her first session which she said gave her 'piano key' teeth.
Aida Azizii, from London, was on holiday in Iran with her family when she booked to get veneers done but was left with 'piano key' teeth
Aida said she noticed many people including all her cousins in Iran had their teeth done and she wanted to have a set of pearly white for herself so got a recommendation for a dentist from a relative.
'I didn't check their Instagram page, nothing. I trusted them, so I called this doctor and he's like 'you can come today at 7pm',' she explained.
When she arrived, the doctor was with another patient so his assistant got started on Aida's teeth and convinced her to go with the whitest white available.
Aida said the dental assistant eventually had to go home, so the doctor took over.
DONT MAKE MY MISTAKE #compositeveneers #compositebonding #teeth #fail #pianokeys
By this stage, Aida has seen her uneven teeth but said she 'still had hope' as the doctor kept assuring her they'll 'look better once they've been shaved down'.
'He finished my teeth at like 4am and he hands me mirror and I am literally in shock,' she said.
'I wanted to cry but I was so tired because it was like 4am I just wanted to go home at that point,' she continued.
'They look ridiculous - like Tic Tacs, piano keys and the colour is ridiculous. I look like a horse.'
The next morning, she calls the clinic to arrange a follow-up appointment so they can fix her teeth however she is seen by the dental assistant again who tries to shave the veneers down more.
'I reluctantly let her work on my teeth again. I was just in so much pain,' Aida explained.
Her teeth were so painful she was unable to eat, sleep or close her mouth all the way making her lips dry out and even her voice change.
Do we need a story time? #veneers #compositeveneers #compositebonding #teeth #turkey
Aida eventually did her research and found a reputable doctor who was willing to fix her teeth and was 'shocked' at the previous dentist's botched job.
'I was told that because they were so big, and the all pressure was on my front teeth, if I had left them untreated, my natural teeth would have eventually fallen out,' she said.
Aida is now happy with her teeth, despite thinking they're still a bit too white, and said the traumatic experience left her with a valuable lessons to always do your research.
'I found the doctor's Instagram and in his bio it wrote 'university student' so he's not even a doctor and now that I think about it I didn't see any certificates in his office,' she said.
'Don't be stupid like me - think before you do things. Don't just randomly get your teeth done - do your research and check their Instagram page.'
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